How to Get Personal Loans on an Aadhar Card?

  A financial crunch is one of those emergencies that can hit you from nowhere. In such a scenario, a personal loan is a great option to solve all your problems. Traditionally, you need to submit various documents including address proof, birth certificate, proof of identity, and many more to get the loan approvals. In 2010, the Indian government launched Aadhar Card so that people can enjoy better services and benefits. And availing of a personal loan is one of them. This card can be useful when you are in urgent need of funds. Looking for an instant personal loan on an Aadhar card? Read on! Apply for Quick Personal Loan Online Using an Aadhar Card There was a time when we had to submit lots of documents to get an approved personal loan . However, Aadhar Card has made the process much more convenient for all loan applicants. While applying online, use the card number as the KYC document. Thvis ital card defines all the proof details including identity, address, citizenship, and

Get a Loan on Aadhar Card and Use It For Home Renovation


Get a Loan on Aadhar Card

Your home is more than just a place you live in. And it’s your responsibility to keep it maintained and updated all the time. A time comes when there may be a need to renovate your home or upgrade your interior design. But most of the time, you delay such renovations due to a lack of funds. But leaking roofs or broken walls are not your things. Well, it might be the right time for you to consider taking a Personal Loan to take care of your home renovation. There’s no denying that home renovation can cost you more. But with a personal loan, not anymore. There was a time when people had to submit various documents for address and identity proof. But the invention of the Aadhar Card makes the entire process easier and smoother. Card access will complete the task of home renovation. Sounds great, right? Read on to know more!

Benefits of Aadhar Card To Get a Personal Loan Online

Now you can easily apply for a personal loan by giving the Aadhar card number as the KYC document. There are multiple benefits of holding an Aadhar card for your loan approval application -


     When you are looking for an instant fund for your home renovation, an Aadhar card will help you out. This card acts as a KYC document. And the most important thing is all your bank accounts are linked with Aadhar, this makes it easier for the lender to know your financial history quickly.

        Instead of submitting multiple documents, you can provide only the Aadhar as your loan document. Because this single card is proof of your identity, address, date of birth, and citizenship.

        Avoids the hassle of physical documentation. With the help of digitization, now you can use only an Aadhar card to get your loan approved.


Key Features: Get a Loan on Aadhar Card for Home Improvement

Before you make up your mind about opting for a personal loan for home improvement, it’s always suggested to make a renovation plan so that you know how much loan amount you will require. Buddy Loan, the biggest loan aggregator of India offers up to 15 lakhs at a lower interest rate i.e. 11.99% pa. The main advantage of Personal Loans is that they are unsecured and there is no need for collateral to submit when you’re using the loan for home renovation. And you can choose the tenure for repayment as per your convenience.

 Eligibility Criteria for Personal Loan with Aadhar

        The applicant should be a resident of India

        age should be between 21 to 65 years

        Should be salaried or self-employed

There are multiple advantages of using Personal Loans for home improvements -

     Whether you need to fix your roof, living room remodeling, or fixing your kitchen windows, you can use a personal loan to pay for all these with flexibility and versatility. And an Aadhar card will help you to get the loan approved quickly.

        Fast funding is another great advantage. Once your application is approved, the fund will be credited to your account within 48 hours.

A single document i.e. Aadhar card is used by the lender to verify all your details. This saves a lot of time for both the lender and borrower and also makes the entire loan application process easier. So get a loan on Aadhar card today and renovate your home!


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